Diverse & Unique: Trikes Tailored to Every Need

AGL offers custom trikes tailored for unique applications. Merging craftsmanship with advanced technology, we uphold the benchmark of electric tricycle expertise in China.

Diverse Possibilities

Sample Custom Creations

Sanitation Tricycle with garbage can
Sanitation Tricycle
Delivery tricycle
Delivery Tricycle
construction tricycle-1
Engineering Tricycle
food tricycle
Food truck tricycle

Garbage E rickshaw

At AGL, we recognize the vital role sanitation plays in maintaining clean cities and environments. Our garbage electric tricycle is meticulously designed to cater to the diverse needs of modern sanitation operations.

With user-centric features such as:

  • Customizable Loading Slots: Tailor-made to hold various garbage bins, ensuring a snug fit regardless of the bin count.
  • Versatile Dumping Solutions: Our garbage e rickshaw offers both manual and hydraulic self-unloading mechanisms. Depending on your preferences and requirements, choose from our durable metal or lightweight plastic dump beds, each meticulously crafted for efficient and smooth waste disposal.

Delivery Tricycle

Efficient Express Deliveries:
Navigate the urban maze effortlessly with our Mini 3-Wheel Van. This electric three-wheel van is tailored for streamlined parcel dispatch in busy city environments. With multiple access points from the sides and rear, loading and unloading becomes a breeze. Its overhead racks are perfect for accommodating larger items. Ideal for those in the courier services, this van brings practicality to every delivery route.

Electric Food trunk tricycle

  • Stand Out with Our Electric Tricycle Food Cart:
    Dive into urban food vending with style. Our electric tricycle food cart offers customizable vibrant colors and patterns, ensuring your mobile food stall always stands out and attracts eager customers.
  • Tailored for Culinary Ventures:
    Understanding the intricacies of on-the-go food service, we design our carts to suit your specific needs. Benefit from ergonomic workstations, adaptable to various food-selling scenarios, making every venture seamless and impactful.

Engineering/Construction Tricycle

  • Engineered for the Toughest Worksite Challenges:
    Our electric tricycle dump truck is a testament to heavy-duty craftsmanship tailored for the rigors of construction and agricultural sites. From hauling cement and bricks to transporting manure and crops, its versatile nature makes it indispensable for a diverse range of tasks.
  • Compact Powerhouse with Self-unloading Feature
    Don’t let its size fool you. Equipped with a hydraulic rod mechanism for efficient self-unloading, this tricycle can confidently bear loads up to 1-2 tons. Whether navigating uneven terrains or tackling uphill paths, it delivers relentless power and unparalleled performance.

Custom Solutions in Motion

  • Tailored Solutions: As a leading electric tricycle manufacturer in China, we pride ourselves on our unique ability to customize to specific needs.

  • More Than Transport: With us, every tricycle is not just a mode of transport but a crafted solution tailored to individual requirements.

  • Diverse Applications: Dive into our showcased range and explore the versatility of our creations.

  • Commitment to Precision: Discover the unparalleled adaptability and accuracy we bring to every project.

Sien ons fabriek in aksie: regte foto's, regte kwaliteit

Verken agter-die-skerms besonderhede van ons fabriek. Kyk van nader na ons praktiese kwaliteit en ware toewyding

Ons gelukkige kliënte

Mateo Alvarez

Voordat ons gestuur word, het ons ander produkte na hierdie fabriek gestuur om saam in 'n houer te word. Hul verpakkingskatting was in die kol. Om spasie te bespaar, het hulle die driewiel-onderdele uitmekaar gehaal, maar my op hoogte gehou met foto's by elke stap. Dit het dinge vir my soveel makliker gemaak, en ook op versendingskoste bespaar.

Arif Rahman

As 'n klein plaaslike groothandelaar bestel ek gereeld hul standaardmodelle. Tot my verbasing, nadat hulle een bestelling bevestig het, het hulle my teen die begin van die volgende week in kennis gestel dat hulle gereed was vir versending. Hulle vinnigheid staan ​​werklik uit!

Samer Al-Maktoem

Toe ek die eerste keer aan hierdie produkreeks gewaag het, was ek onseker oor sy markaantrekkingskrag. Ek het my idees gehad, maar die verkoper het 'n paar aanbevelings gegee. Met 'n geloofsprong het ek dit aan die mark bekendgestel, en tot my vreugde het die verkope verwagtinge oortref!

Amina Adewale

Ek het vlekvrye staal driewiele by hulle bestel, met groter afmetings en baie nie-standaard kenmerke. Ek het tot dusver twee bestellings geplaas en is baie tevrede met die kwaliteit. Die driewiele wat ek uit hierdie groepe verkoop het, het geen probleme getoon nie, en die sweiswerk is besonder glad.

Kickstart Jou projek Nou!

Het jy 'n projek in gedagte of 'n vraag om te vra?

Moenie wag nie! Ons span is gereed om te help.

Ons is daartoe verbind om binne 12 uur te reageer.

Ons sal jou binne 12 uur kontak, let asseblief op die e-pos met die agtervoegsel "@agl-trike.com".

Vra vir 'n vinnige kwotasie

Ons sal jou binne 12 uur kontak, let asseblief op die e-pos met die agtervoegsel "@agl-trike.com".